Facebook Services

Facebook Services

If your goal is to reach people online & grow followers fast having a  professional & active Facebook page for a business is a vital part of a successful digital marketing plan.

A large percentage of people are active on Facebook every day. Many consumers research & ask for recommendations on this platform. There is also no shortage of groups to join & promote on Facebook. We spread your branding onto your Facebook page with an attentiongrabbing banner, featured images & custom profile photos.

Facebook Blog Posting

Facebook Blog Posting

An important part of our Facebook service is targeted blog posting to social media accounts. Google requires a minimum of quarterly posting for your website to be rated as active. This is important to staying relevant & growing SERPs. For those companies who want to gain traction faster choose plans with more activity.

To keep your passwords secure we have our clients set up admin access for us on their Facebook. This allows us to do our job without having to access your passwords.