Onboarding Advice & Tips

Onboarding Advice & Tips

We share ideas to ensure you share all the information required for us to help you by creating the perfect content for the website about and services page that you will love. 

Think of your website pages as a chance to introduce your company & gain the attention of potential customers, current clients, and other curious website guests. Your goal is to put them at ease and answer any questions they might have such as  What products & services does the company offer & How long have you been in business?

Page Quality Matters

Page Quality Matters

Ensure your website visitors find an engaging services page that clearly explains your products & offerings. By submitting detailed information during your onboarding process you will ensure we clearly explain the details of what you have to offer & the prices if you choose to include them on your website.

For the About page start with a bio about yourself & the company history. If you have a team include a short bio for each team member. Adding a team photo in a company work setting gives your customers a feeling of connection to the company. Great example here.